
Stephanie Besson and Alexandra Leigh have collaborated in their similar mission to bring change to the world through health and wellness. After several months of weekly meetings, the two have launched their first project of holding a type of support group for women who are on an intentional spiritual journey. It was through both their longings to find a supportive group where they could be empowered to live their individual truths in everyday life, that this group has formed.
Alexandra practices shamanic herbalism and Plant Spirit Healing. She is the founder of Triple Goddess Remedies, specializing in practical herbal needs which she operates out of her home in FullSizeRenderEaston CT. Alexandra also organizes ceremonies, incorporating healing frequencies and plant music with the aim of harmonizing with Mother Earth and evolving our DNA. From a young age Alexandra’ grandmother instilled the love of plants into her, while her mother taught her about the Great Goddess and archetypal feminine powers. Her work comes from the lineage of her mentor Pam Montgomery in Danby VT, where she graduated her apprenticeship in Plant Spirit Healing from Sweetwater  Sanctuary. Communicating with and being guided by spirits is at the heart of everything Alexandra creates.  www.triplegoddessremedies.com
Stephanie is a Licensed Massage Therapist. The main intent of her work as a therapist is to bring peace to the soul. Before moving to Newtown CT in 2015, Stephanie lived in Norwalk where sheIMG_1042 held several women’s circles and hosted other wellness practitioners and their workshops in her home. She founded the Health and Wellness Collaborative of Fairfield County in 2011 (which she put on hold when she became pregnant with her son). Stephanie fully stepped into her spiritual journey while on a trip to see John of God in Brazil in 2005, where she was inspired to engage in a more meaningful life.  She is committed to living out her purpose and to fulfilling her soul’s longing. Stephanie resides in Sandy Hook with her now 5-year-old son. Her heart sings when she sees her son growing and maturing into his own being, when she is able to assist clients as a LMT in feeling good, when she travels,  gardens, dances, hikes, and connects with others.  www.gentlemassages.com
What one can expect: We open and close sacred space each time we come together, with calling in the directions and other short prayers of intent and gratitude.  We do have different topics and exercises planned for each time we meet, however, we are not attached to them, as the goal is to allow a safe, organic flow to unfold in our time together. While soft music plays, a talking stick is used each time. (The Talking Stick is a tool used in many Native American Traditions in council where members are allowed to present their Sacred Point of View. The Talking Stick is passed from person to person as they speak and only the person holding the stick is allowed to talk during that time period. – Wikipedia)
~ We ask that everyone hold the intent that this is a circle of equals. We all have something to learn and teach one another. This is how/what a non-hierarchical culture could look like.
~ We ask that everyone check in with themselves regularly, as well as with the center of the circle and speak up if something feels off.
~ We ask that what is said in this circle be held in confidence.  It takes A LOT of courage and trust for someone to self-reflect and be able to share openly. Please respect what anyone shares no matter how painful or shameful. A listening heart (validation) may be all one needs to feel whole again.
~ We ask that each participant show up, contribute what they can to the experience, and allow what comes to unfold naturally.
~ The intent of the circle is not in any way to influence participants in a singular method of worshiping or ceremony, or to change ones belief system, but to support one another in finding the power in one’s own truth and one’s own way of getting there.  COEXIST
~ Lastly we ask that everyone honor where each one is along each one’s own path. We all are exactly where we need to be.
We are deeply honored and truly grateful to have the opportunity to hold this space for women, and are committed to showing up until guided otherwise.
Looking forward to being with and seeing YOU in circle!!